Sarah Hibbert - From Collage to Quilt

  • £30.00
Quilter Sarah Hibbert finds inspiration in the everyday objects around her. Her unique approach includes using readily available, recyclable materials for paper collage, then she uses this design as the springboard for her quilts.


From Collage to Quilt is the first craft book of its kind, detailing how to create a paper collage and turn it into a quilt. Sarah incorporates found objects, such as card stock, pages from magazines, and even canned food labels, into her collages which then go on to form the design inspiration for her incredible quilts. The result is stunning, and, with 15 projects to try, you can create your own masterpiece!

Sarah's work is incredibly artistic, and soon, you’ll be able to execute one-of-a-kind designs at home.

Print length: 176 Pages
Language: English
Publisher: Lucky Spool Media
Publication Date: 3 Jun. 2022